The first breastfeeding chair in a professional environment found its place in December with the coworking space Le Square, located in the heart of the 11th district of Paris, deciding to trust us.
Within Le Square, more than 50 start-ups come to work every day. The meeting rooms, the sofas and the smallest available spaces are often overcrowded. The challenge was to create a micro-space for breastfeeding in complete privacy, without closing off the meeting rooms.
Indeed, in open spaces, noise was voted as the most recurrent harmful problem. According to the Kollori article, 4 out of 5 employees consider that the noise in their work environment prevents them from working (due to phone calls in particular).
Noise… but not only. If making a phone call in an isolated environment can already seem complicated, what about pumping milk with a minimum of privacy?
In the Square, alongside the power nap area, the breastfeeding area was born.
After the great success of our nap room (link to Nap&Up blog page), it is now in a very cocooning armchair that young mothers, back from maternity leave, can express their milk.
Pumping their milk? Yes, but not only that!
In addition to allowing women to express their milk in a comfortable and adaptable position, Pachamama provides a fridge that allows keeping the bottles cool before going home at the end of the day.
“I’m used to breastfeeding and I didn’t plan to stop when I came back from maternity leave, it’s a real relief to know that I’ll be able to continue to do it at my workplace” – Morgane from the Conciergerie Solidaire.
If some are eager to test it, Corinne from the Koncepterie has already adopted it: “I was already breastfeeding at my office, between two meetings, but this breastfeeding space is a real bubble of well-being where I can take a break for myself without worrying about the look of others”.
Creating a home-like feeling
With Pachamama, no more hiding in the bathroom to express milk, or running between meetings at the office.
This breastfeeding cocoon allows women to return to work smoothly, to continue to have a moment for themselves, and to continue breastfeeding in complete peace.
We spend nearly 11.5 years of our lives at work*, so we might as well do everything we can to make this environment a pleasant one.
Are you hesitating to install a breastfeeding room in your company? You can learn more here “Why install a breastfeeding room in my company”.
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